More Information
Wheel Diameter 4"
Wheel Width 2"
Wheel Type Cast Iron
Wheel Bearing N/A
Hub Length 2-3/16"
Capacity 500 lbs
Wheel Color Gray
Wheel Tread Extra Hard 70-90D
Tread Profile Flat
Uses Axle Size -
Seals N/A
Thread Guards n/a
Min Operating Temperature varies
Max Operating Temperature varies
Max Intermittent Temp varies
NSF Rated No
Waranty Code 1D

4" x 2" Cast Iron Wheels


• Cast Iron wheels, often referred to as Semi-Steel, offer a strong, durable, economical solution for heavy loads.
• Machined hard tread rolls easily
• Long wearing with high load capacities.
• Maintenance free
• Hardness: Brinell 145
• Gray enamel finish
