CI-Cast Iron

CI-Cast Iron

We carry the widest selection of cast iron wheels in the industry with many different bearings available. Cast iron wheels, also sometimes referred to as "semi-steel" wheels, offer a strong, durable solution for heavy loads and offer a wide temperature operating range. Please consult our sales department if you wish to operate the wheels above 200°F to insure the correct wheel bearings and/or lubrication. Email or call 888.492.6331

Diameter Tread Width Capacity Wheel Series
4" 2" 500 lbs CI-0420
5" 2" 1000 lbs CI-0520
6" 2" 1200 lbs CI-0620
8" 2" 1400 lbs CI-0820
8" 2" 1600 lbs CI-0820-HD